University in Northeast - VIC Region
1 - Charles Sturt University Wangaratta
218 Tone Road Wangaratta Northeast - VIC
2 - La Trobe University - Albury-Wodonga Campus Towong
Albury Wodonga Campus, University Dr, Wodonga Forward Towong Northeast - VIC
Experience La probe is a release event with lunch and entertainment on us! What does this nasty for business and ensuring our economy continues to gro
3 - Albury Wodonga Community College Wodonga
63 High St, Wodonga, VIC,3690, Wodonga Wodonga Northeast - VIC
Providing a wide range of leisure and vocational courses, including two independent Schools, we can here to help the local community by further their
4 - Universities Of The Third Age (U3A) - Victorian Network Wangaratta
The Centre Chisholm St,Wangaratta, VIC, 3677, Wangaratta Wangaratta Northeast - VIC
5 - La Trobe University Bookshop - Shepparton Campus Towong
87 Mckoy St, Wodonga Forward Towong Northeast - VIC
6 - Latrobe University Wodonga Campus Library Wodonga
University Dr, Wodonga Wodonga Northeast - VIC
7 - La Trobe University Indigo
Albert Rd, Beechworth, VIC,3747, Beechworth Indigo Northeast - VIC
8 - The University Of Melbourne: Wangaratta Wangaratta
Docker St, Wangaratta, VIC,3676, Wangaratta Wangaratta Northeast - VIC
9 - La Trobe University Wodonga
University Drv, Wodonga, VIC,3690, Wodonga Wodonga Northeast - VIC